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02-01-2011 Happy New Year From Down Under

G'day... and Happy New Year.

I hope the new year brings you lots of good fortune, happiness and great health... and a better score in your game, of course.

As I type this note, Perth is scorching at 40 degrees Celsius. It has been generally a hot couple of weeks with temperatures between the low 30s to 41 degrees.

For our American friends out there, that is 109 F.... Some of you may be a bit envious, as my Northern Hemisphere friends are experiencing totally the opposite: a totally chilled - frozen - weather.

Admitedly, whilst it is very hot down here, one can still play golf, especially if you're lucky enough to secure a booking at your local golf course early in the morning.

And going to the driving range is not a problem either. As long as you take your hat and apply sufficient sun screen, and drink water regularly, practicing any type of golf related activity is not out of the questions as you read this.

But what about my frozen friends in the Northern hemisphere? What do you do if you cannot even make it out of your home?

Well, this may be an appropriate time to reassess your game, identify the areas you need to improve in, and set yourself some goals for the year.

Are you still slicing your ball?

Do you need more work in your irons game?

Perhaps you've been having problems with your wedges when pitching?

Or perhaps you feel your putting could improve a bit?

Whatever the area (or areas) you wish to improve, now is the best time to consider what you want to get out of the game.

If you have enough space at home, perhaps you can practice your swing (watch out for the ceiling and breakable things around you!).

Or if you have a putting matt at home, you can practice your putting indoors.

Do you have a bunch of golf books, magazines or videos? Perhaps this is the time to read them, watch them and practice the drills therein.

By the time the Northern winter's over, you'll have improve your skills and start reducing your handicap.

The most important things is to keep improving your game, gaining knowlege, sharpening your skills, and not let your golf stagnate.

Whatever your golf goals are for this year, I wish you all the best, and hope you make your game more enjoyable by the end of this year.

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02-01-2011 Golf Analysis Part 1

Editor's Note: We are approaching the end of this blog book. I should have included the last chapters in the 2nd half of last year, but life, work and golf itself got in the way. I intend to upload the last chapters of the book this month (January 2011).... (Read Article)

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08-01-2011 Golf Analysis Part 2

This is Part 2 of the Golf Analysis series. All golf is opposition. We are in a state of opposing in every phase of our swing, even in the waggle. The very feel of the club head is only sensed when we are in a state of opposition to it. Close students... (Read Article)

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12-01-2011 Golf Analyzis (of a Swing) Part 3:

In this final part of the Golf Analyzis section, Percy Boomer briefly analyzes a young boy's swing" Obviously, this is a very young swing, not faultless, but fundamentally good. Let's analyze it: It's a wide swing. Left arm straight, left... (Read Article)

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19-01-2011 Learning Golf with Inverse Functioning Part 1

Learning Golf with Inverse Functioning is the last chapter of Percy Boomer's book "On Learning Golf". I have divided it into small parts for your easy and quick digestion. There is a curious evolution in the learning of golf which for want of a better... (Read Article)

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26-01-2011 Learning Golf with Inverse Functioning: Part 2

This is the second instalment ofLearning Golf with Inverse Funtioning. As I was saying, the pivot has two functions, to guide the club and to generate power. Some good golf analysts combine the two and compare the body to a lever, and while this means... (Read Article)

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26-01-2011 Learning Golf with Inverse Functioning: Part 3

Final Instalment of Learning Golf with Inverse Functioning. As I have said before, the swing is a continuous unbroken movement that cannot be cut into sections for analysis. So I was delighted when one day an ardent pupil of mine remarked, "I can now... (Read Article)

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