This is where I group reviews of golf swing books, training aides, DVDs that I come across.
As explained somewhere else, although I'm a follower of Joe Dante's method, I believe there is no "one size fits all" golf swing method.
What may work for you may not necessarely work for me.
And with the amount of junk being sold out there, you have to filter the B.S. and focus on the good stuff. That's what I intend to provide you with in these golf swing reviews.
Of course, you may disagree with my reviews and assessments. Heck! I don't know everything, and everything I say is based only in my opinion of the products I review. For all I know, you may or may not be Tiger Woods yourself, and your view may have more weight than mine... by far!
That's why I accept no liability expressed or implied from any damages caused directly or indirectly from you using the products I review. At the end of the day, the decision is yours. I only share with you my views, opinions and experiences. It is up to you to make whatever you want with them.
Sorry to be so legalistic but, apart from playing golf and poker - amongst other things - I also happen to be a lawyer, and I like being clear about things like responsibility, liability, damages, and that sort of thing.... In this litigious world, and given my experience in the profession, it is the one thing I must ensure I do.
Another thing... the names and brands I mention in my reviews are the property of their respective owners. My reviews are not endorsed by these people, companies or organisations, and my opinions are not necessarely their opinions either.
Finally, I take pictures of the products whenever I can. I use these pictures for illustration purposes and in accordance with the doctrine of "fair use", which is recognised and present in most civilized legal systems including, but not limited to the Australian legal system. I claim ownership and copyright over the pictures I've taken, and will prosecute - to the full extent of the law - any breaches.
Having clarified where I stand in respect of my golf reviews, I do hope you enjoy them and find them useful and informative.

The New How You Can Play Better Golf Using Self-Hypnosis
The New Four Magic Moves To Winning Golf DVD: Review Part 1