Golf Swing Secrets of Timing and Rhythm
This section is dedicated to the Golf Swing and secrets of timing and rhythm.
Whenever we go to a golf tournament and see a really good player hit the ball, we receive two vivid impressions.
The first is how far the ball goes with seemingly so little effort.
The second is of a certain measured cadence in the upward and downward movement of the club. Both are accurate impressions.
Now if we happen to be on the practice tee, where we can watch this player hit shot after shot, we will notice two other things.
One is that he swings all his clubs at about the same speed; he doesn't seem to hit the 3 wood any harder than he hits the 7 iron.
The second thing we notice, when we let our gaze wander to other players practicing, is that while most of them are deliberate, there are differences in their swinging speeds.
Timing is the answer to the first accomplishment—the long hit with little effort. Rhythm produces the measured cadence in the upward and downward movement of the club.
And the differences we notice in swinging speed among other players are differences in tempo.
Nearly all good players will give us impressions of timing and rhythm.
The more graceful the player, the more vivid the impression will be.
Sam Snead, among the moderns, is the perfect example. Among the giants of the past, Bob Jones's swing was once called the "poetry of motion," and the late Macdonald Smith was probably the most effortless swinger who ever played the game.
The players of today swing harder at the ball than did their predecessors, with the result that theirs is more of a hitting than a swinging action.
Yet the ball still flies out much farther than it should, for the effort the player seems to be putting into it. This is very marked in the graceful players of smaller stature, such as Gene Littler, 1961 National Open champion, and Dow Finsterwald, former National PGA champion.
If you think the tips revealed in this site have helped your swing, imagine what the rest of the course can do for you! The Complete New Four Magic Moves to Winning Golf includes:
- Golf Swing and Rhythm
- Golf Swing and Early Break
- Golf Swing and Late Hit
... And much more!

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