Welcome to Golf Swing Magic:
An Abridged Online Version of Joe Dante's Four Magic Moves to Winning Golf
Back in 1962 , Joe Dante - a golf instructor - wrote a classic masterpiece on golf swing: "The Four Magic Moves to Winning Golf". Golf experts still regard this book as a classic in golf instruction.
Golf Swing Magic started as an online, abridged, enhanced, and updated version of that classic book. However, the online book is now only part of an ever-growing collection of research articles in pursuit of the "Holy Grail of Golf": The Perfect Golf Swing.
Golf Swing Magic does not contain everything that the the New Four Magic Moves of Winning Golf has.
And although Golf Swing Magic has many of the most important points Joe Dante makes on how to improve your golf swing, I still suggest you consider obtaining a copy of the New 4 Magic Moves, as it comes on DVD and MP3 formats, and it is much easier to follow and learn from that new version.
For your convenience, I have divided Golf Swing Magic into several sections:
Is it a Scam? Read other golfers' feedback from around the world, and find out if this book is a scam or not. |
Introduction : What makes The Four Magic Moves for Winning Golf different from many other Golf Books? Find out why Joe Dante's Book is still regarded as a classic book on Golf Instructions. |
You Can Play Better Golf : The first step to winning golf, as in everything else in life, is believing that you can win. Learn how mental attitude coupled with improve training methods can make a difference in your game. |
The Golf Grip : Learn how gripping your golf club correctly can improve your golf swing, and how you can vary the ball's distance, direction and speed. |
The Golf Stance : How far apart should your feet be? What should your feet position be in relation to the direction line? Which way should your feet be pointing at? What part of your feet should you rest your body weight on? Find out Joe Dante's answers here. |
The Golf Back swing: What are the fatal flows of the back swing? How do these flaws affect your golf swing? What can you do to fix these flaws? Use these easy back swing checkpoints to guide you. |
Top of the Golf Swing : Do you suffer from easy chair slouch? Does your golf swing at the top suffer from
slice, scuff, smother, shank, pull, hook, top, or sky? What can you do to fix these problems? |
The Golf Downswing :
Discover why you can have a perfect grip, start back from the ball properly, reach the top in faultless position ? and then ruin it all with the wrong downswing move. |
Golf Swing Through the Ball :
The swing through the ball is only a continuation of the first movement of the downswing.
A golf swing which reaches this area in the wrong position has no chance to get straightened out.
Learn how to get it right.
Golf Short Games :
Touring Pros realize the value of short games, and they work on it continually, especially their putting. Learn why, and how you can do the same too.
In and Out of Golf Trouble :
There are three main kinds of trouble we can reach with a shot off the fairway: woods, rough, or a fairway trap. Check out Joe Dante's advice on how to get out of golf trouble. |
Golf Timing and Rhythm:
Nearly all good golf players show excellent timing and rhythm in their games. Find out how you can do it too. |
On Learning Golf:The blog includes golf(and golf swing) related articles for you, as well as news related to changes in this site. Make sure you visit it and subscribe to its RSS/XML feeder. |
Finally, as I mentioned above, although a lot of this site is dedicated to spread Joe Dante's Golf Swing Gospel, it is gradually including more golf swing articles from other sources, as well as useful reviews of golf swing training aides and gadgets.
Sure, Joe Dante's book has the potential to improve your game beyond your wildest expectations. However, there are many, many approaches to this area of golf playing. And the more you are exposed to different approaches, the more tips you learn, and the more you improve your swing and your game as a whole.
I wish you all the best in your golf learning journey!